Your support helps Portland SummerFest continue to bring unparalleled opera performances to our community free of charge. Presented in concert format with full orchestra and lively narration, these concerts have introduced thousands of Portlanders to the world of opera and been avidly attended by a growing number of loyal fans.
As a non-profit, Portland SummerFest Presents Opera in the Park depends on your support to provide the exquisite music we offer to the community free of charge. Do well and do good by providing us with a charitable gift at the level that is right for you.
Donate NowIndividual Giving
We offer the following thank you gifts in return for your donation:
Opera in the Park Supporter (up to $99)
• Your name in the Opera in the Park Program distributed to 3,000 attendees
Opera in the Park Friend ($100-$249)
All of the above and…
• Your name on our website sponsors page for one year
Opera in the Park Fan ($300-$499)
All of the above and…
• One ticket to our Patron's Picnic supper and reserved seating for the Opera in the Park Performance
Opera in the Park Patron ($500-$999)
All of the above and…
• One additional ticket (2 total) to the Patron's Picnic supper and reserved seating for the Opera in the Park performance
• Two tickets to your choice of a Metropolitan Opera Live in HD performance
Opera in the Park Sustainer ($1,000-$1,999)
All of the above and…
• Two tickets for the Final Dress Rehearsal of Opera in the Park on the University of Portland campus. See the singers up close and without amplification for a truly special experience and one you are unlikely to forget
Opera in the Park Benefactor ($2,000 +)
All of the above and…
• Two tickets to our fundraiser opera concert salon held in a private home in early winter, 2019, a $150 value
Corporate Giving
Consider a Corporate Sponsorship for the 2018 Opera in the Park performance. Your generous gift makes it possible for others to enjoy Opera in the Park FREE. Be part of the community of supporters who believe in enriching the culture of our city.
We are pleased to offer the following thank you gifts in return:
Opera in the Park Player ($250)
• Your name on our website sponsors page for one year
• Your name in the Opera in the Park program distributed to 3,000 attendees
Opera in the Park Star ($500)
All of the above and…
• Two tickets to our Patron's Picnic supper and reserved seating for the Opera in the Park performance
Opera in the Park Champion ($1,000)
All of the above and…
• Two tickets to our fundraiser opera concert salon held in a private home in early winter, 2019, a $150 value
Opera in the Park Bigwig ($5,000)
All of the above and…
• Your name or logo appears on the front page of our website
• Two tickets for the Final Dress Rehearsal of Opera in the Park on the University of Portland campus
Opera in the Park Impresario ($10,000)
All of the above and…
• A private musical event to be given at your home or place of business
• Two additional tickets (total 4) for the Final Dress Rehearsal of Opera in the Park on the University of Portland campus
Portland SummerFest is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 corporation which is entirely dependent on donations to present free Opera in the Park each summer for the people of Portland and surrounding communities. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, please make your check out to Portland SummerFest and mail to:
Portland SummerFest
PO Box 4084
Portland, OR 97208
Portland SummerFest is pleased to accept appreciated securities as a gift. If you'd like to make a contribution of this type, please contact operaintheparkpdx@gmail.com.
You can also claim a tax credit by making a matching gift to Portland SummerFest and the Oregon Cultural Trust. More information is available on their website: www.culturaltrust.org.
You can also make a secure online donation by clicking the button below
Donate Now